What lies ahead for technology? A complex question that leaves us only with vague speculations. While the majority of us might feel detached from the process of creating technology, we must remember that we are its ultimate beneficiaries.
This short film offers a glimpse into a speculative scenario set in the near future of 2028. Drawing from extensive research, it presents my perspective on the pivotal development of technological monopolies.
What would our world look like if we no longer had to work? Imagine a life where our only task is to plan our leisure time, as everything is done for us. No need to go to the office or leave the house for groceries — even travelling and meeting friends can be done in virtual reality.
What intrigues me about this scenario is how we might arrive there. The answer is artificial intelligence (AI). AI has been in development since 1956 and has already become a daily part of our lives. Every time we use the internet, an algorithm collects our data and adds it to a digital file. These individual profiles are then analyzed to generate advertisements, identify potential criminals, and even assist in job interviews. The next stage of AI is gradually being implemented to make work more efficient and comfortable, while also taking on tasks beyond our capabilities. We are moving towards the automation of everything.
Looking into the near future, intuitive AI will be exponentially more efficient, precise, and smarter than us in every conceivable field. The troubling part is that we do not know where the development of something beyond our full comprehension will lead.
We will continue to develop AI, driven by the hope that it might solve problems we have been unable to address. Additionally, human nature compels us to push technological boundaries without always considering the consequences—be it fossil fuels, nuclear power, or even renewable energy. We have always prioritized progress and development, and stopping now is not an option. However, this time we face not only potential environmental consequences but also the unknown impacts of creating a new form of intelligent life.
The only thing left for us to influence is who controls this development and who will benefit from these technologies. Currently, tech giants like Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, and Tesla have exclusive control over our digital future. They have established monopolies so powerful that even governments, such as the US military storing data in Amazon's Cloud, rely on their services. With limitless financial resources, these companies are investing in crucial aspects of life: health, education, communication, currencies, transportation, and even space exploration with SpaceX.
Private companies with no regulatory oversight hold the keys to the future of technology across all facets of life. This should be alarming for everyone — it certainly is for me. Especially considering the values these companies represent and their methods of expansion, such as Cambridge Analytica’s data misuse or the ongoing surveillance and storage of personal data for economic gain. Their sole focus is maximizing profit for the shareholder value and maintaining dominance by buying out or defeating any competition.
The current state might not seem overly concerning, though we are gradually sacrificing our freedom and privacy. However, we must look ahead. To shape our future, we must leverage the only power we have left to balance their immense influence and use these technologies to our advantage.